Philosophy. |
My objective in writing these books is to provide riders, drivers, trainers, veterinarians and other professionals with a background of scientific facts upon which to base a logical system of training and conditioning athletic horses. Through an understanding of exercise physiology and biomechanics, readers gain a fundamental understanding of equine sports medicine and athletic performance.
Horses compete in a diverse range of sporting activities, each requiring specific technical skills and different levels of physical fitness. These books give the reader an insight into how the horse’s body works, the factors that affect performance in different equestrian sports and how to assess the horse’s movements with a scientific eye.
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Activate Your Horse's Core. |
Author: Drs Narelle C. Stubbs and Hilary M. Claytonn Contents: 95 minute DVD and 32 page manual with 30 color photographs and illustrations. The manual is spiral bound and has laminated pages so it can be taken to the stable as a reference. Price: $50.00
This is a step-by-step manual and DVD showing exercises that mobilize the joints and engage the muscles used to round and stabilize the horse's neck, back and pelvis during athletic activities. These exercises will improve your horse's posture, self-carriage and balance. The exercises are performed from the ground and do not require sophisticated equestrian skills or special equipment. |
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The Dynamic Horse. |
Author: Dr. Hilary M. Clayton Contents: 267 pages, 151 illustrations, index, glossary, references Price: $50.00
Without a doubt, the best equine biomechanics text on the market. Written with Dr. Clayton's characteristic clarity, The Dynamic Horse describes the application of biomechanical principles in horsemanship and equine locomotion. Through knowledge of biomechanics, the reader develops a better understanding of how horses move and perform. |
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Conditioning Sport Horses. |
Author: Dr. Hilary M. Clayton Contents: 271 pages, 49 illustrations, index, and glossary. Price: $40.00
The original text on equine exercise physiology and conditioning methods for equestrian sports. Describes the physiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems, methods of energy production and heat dissipation. Similarities and differences between equine and human athletes are emphasized. Addresses conditioning methods used to improve cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and suppleness in horses. The fitness requirements of different equestrian sports are discussed and sport-specific conditioning methods are described for a variety of sports including dressage, show jumping, evening, polo, cutting, reining, sprinting sports and endurance racing. |
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